Pennsylvania Farm Bureau’s policy development process is starting now, with grassroots members beginning to think about what proposals they want to bring before their county Farm Bureaus with the hope of shaping state, or even national, Farm Bureau policy. And PFB is offering a new tool this year to get those brainstorming gears turning and help members engage in the process. The Pennsylvania Farm Bureau Policy Development Group on Facebook gives grassroots members a chance to learn more about how they can participate in shaping Farm Bureau policy, share news and information about topics related to possible policy proposals, engage in lively discussion and debate and even create and respond to polls. The group is not intended to replace the current county-driven structure, but, rather, is meant to serve as another medium to spark interest and discussion of policy issues. You must have a Facebook account and be a Farm Bureau member to join the group. To join, visit
From Farm Bureau Express, Penna. Farm Bureau, May 17, 2017. This is a good opportunity for PVGA members who are also Farm Bureau members to put issues important to vegetable growers on the radar screen of Farm Bureau members.