The 2017 Pennsylvania Vegetable Field Day will be held on Tuesday, July 25, 2017, at Penn State’s Southeast Research and Extension Center in Manheim (Landisville) from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
The field day enables growers to observe firsthand the various vegetable research projects underway at the research farm – much of it sponsored in part by the Pennsylvania Vegetable Growers Association and the Pennsylvania Vegetable Marketing and Research Program. Extension researchers Timothy Elkner and Beth Gugino and other researchers have numerous projects underway at the farm.
Registration will begin at 8:30 a.m. and growers will be able to visit the commercial exhibitors until the program begins. At 9:00 a tour of the vegetable research trials will begin. After lunch, the vegetable research tour and discussion will continue until 3:00 p.m. Growers attending the field day will be eligible for pesticide applicator update training credits.
Projects this year include:
-Russett Potato Potash / Hollow Heart / Variety Trial
-High Tunnel Round Red Slicer Determinate Tomato Variety Trial
-High Tunnel Parthenocarpic Cucumber Variety Trial
-Processing Tomato pH, Color, Yield, Cultivar Trial
-Celery Variety Trial
-Leek Variety Trial
-Pollinator Provision Field Evaluation
-Corn Earworm BioType/ DNA Collection for Pesticide Resistance Project
-Pumpkin Cultivar Trial
-Field Tomato Red Slicer Cultivar Trial
-Colored Bell High Tunnel Variety Trial
-Tomato Fertility Program Comparison Demo
-Flower Trial Tour
-Pollinator Flowering Plant Evaluation
— more —
Exhibitors will be attending the field day. Current exhibitors so far include:
– ISP Technologies
– Nolt’s Produce Supplies
– Independent Ag Equipment
– Gowan
and more are expected.
The registration fee for the Field Day is $20 for adults ($10 for children 3 to 10, children under 3 are free) if registered by July 21. After July 21, the late registration fee will be $30 for adults ($15 for children). Registration includes a delicious buffet lunch by Enck’s Catering, program materials, drinks and snacks. Call 717-694-3596 or email to register. Walk-in registrations are welcome.
The Field Day is a joint effort between the Association and Penn State Extension and Penn State researchers.
The Southeast Ag Research & Extension Center at Landisville is located at 1446 Auction Road, Manheim, PA 17541 – telephone 717-653-4728. Directions are as follows:
FROM HARRISBURG: Take PA 283 east toward Lancaster. Exit at Esbenshade Road (just past Mt. Joy exit). Turn left at top of exit ramp. Immediately after crossing over 283, turn right on Auction Road. Follow Auction Road to “T” at Erisman Road. Turn right and follow Erisman Road around the curve. Then turn left, back onto Auction Road (just before the covered bridge). The PSU driveway is on the left as you go around the curve.
FROM LANCASTER: Take PA 283 west toward Harrisburg. Exit at Salunga exit (after the Landisville exit). Turn right at top of ramp, onto Spooky Nook Road. Turn left on Shenck Road (at the old Armstrong warehouse). Turn left across the covered bridge, then turn right on Auction Road. The PSU driveway is on the left as you go around the curve.
FROM YORK: Take US 30 east toward Lancaster. After crossing the Susquehanna River, take second exit (Prospect Road). Turn left on Prospect Road and follow for several miles. About ½ mile after crossing over PA 283 (4-lane highway), turn left on Shenck Road (at old Armstrong warehouse). Turn left across the covered bridge, then turn right on Auction Road. The PSU driveway is on the left as you go around the curve.