PVGA Loses Life Member Jack Grace

Jonathan “Jack” Grace, a PVGA Life Member, passed away on May 17 at the age of 82 after a five-year battle with cancer.  A native and life-long resident of Grove City, he and his family operated Graceland Farm Market in Grove City offering fresh fruits and...

Five PVGA Scholarships Available in 2019

The Pennsylvania Vegetable Growers Association is pleased to able to offer two Rudolph Grob Memorial Scholarships each year to a child or grandchild of a PVGA member who is pursuing higher education with the goal of working in production agriculture.  For 2019, five...

PVGA Grower Needed for Advisory Board

Dr. Francesco Di Gioia, the new vegetable extension specialist at Penn State, is looking for a PVGA member/farmer interested in serving on the Stakeholder Advisory Board for a proposed project entitled The Healthy Farms Intervention for Healthy People: Strengthening...

PVGA Urges Growers to Vote “Yes”

The Association has sent the following letter to vegetable growers across the state urging them to vote “Yes” in the upcoming five-year review referendum for the Pennsylvania Vegetable Marketing and Research Program: Every five years the Pennsylvania...