Spotted Wing Drosophila Insecticide Update  –   January 25, 2017

Members of the Sustainable SWD Project will present a webinar online on January 25th at 12-1pm eastern time, highlighting information about control of the invasive insect pest, spotted wing drosophila. The webinar titled “Making the Most of Your Insecticide Toolbox to Manage SWD” will cover research conducted during the first year of this project, and will provide recommendations for growers to prepare for the 2017 growing season. In this webinar, presenters from North Carolina State University, Michigan State University, and the University of Georgia will report on their research on insecticidal control of spotted wing drosophila.

Future webinars will report on biological control, population modeling, and other aspects of this multistate project. Funded by the USDA-NIFA Specialty Crops Research Initiative, this multiyear project aims to improve grower’s options for the control of spotted wing drosophila.

Please register online for this webinar. You will receive a reminder before the session and a link afterward to the slides and a recording of the webinar. Follow this link to register:

Spotted Wing Drosophila Organic Research Update  –  February 1, 2017  Management of Spotted Wing Drosophila Using Organic Strategies

Members of a multi-state research project will provide a comprehensive update on organic management of spotted wing drosophila. It will cover findings of the research conducted during the first year of this project on organically approved strategies including: 1) behavioral strategies to improve monitoring (using more attractive baits and lures) and management (attract and kill approach); 2) cultural strategies to lower SWD populations in the field (canopy and floor management, and using exclusion netting); and 3) chemical strategies (using organically approved insecticides in combination with adjuvants and phagostimulants. Presenters are Ash Sial, UGA; Mary Rogers, UMN; Christelle Guedot, UWisc; Kelly Hamby, UMD;Rufus Isaacs, MSU; Tracy Leskey, USDA; Vaughn Walton, OSU.

Over the past year we’ve been including updates in this newsletter on an important multi-state research project on Spotted Wing Drosophila. Some of the many team members are presenting a webinar on February 1st, see above, but they have also been posting updates on their research at different locations around the country. This month, read about their experiments on SWD exclusion with netting and tunnels in Minnesota on fall-bearing raspberries, and in Arkansas on blackberries. Be sure to attend the upcoming webinar on SWD to hear more about this project! Find the project website with additional information at